chauvinist (shoh·v˘n·ist) n. a person who believes in the superiority of his
or her own kind; an extreme nationalist. ُEx. Male chauvinists believe that women
are mentally and physically inferior to men
chauvinist = المتعصب. الشوفيني المُغالي في التعصب الوطني
fatuous (fach·oo·u˘s) adj.complacently stupid; feeble-minded and silly. Ex
Since Sam was such an intellectually accomplished student, Mr. Britt was surprised
to discover that Sam’s well-meaning but fatuous parents were not at all like him
fatuous= سخيف , أحمق , أبله
Iconoclast ( ¯·kon·oh·klast) n.1. a person who attacks and seeks to overthrow traditional ideas, beliefs, or institutions. Someone who opposes and destroys idols used in worship. Using words as weapons, the well-spoken iconoclast challenged religious hypocrisy wherever she found it
Iconoclast= الشخص الذي يهاجم المعتقدات , المُحطم للتماثيل المعبودة
maladroit (mal·a˘·droit) adj.clumsy, bungling; inept. Ex. The maladroit waiter
broke a dozen plates and spilled coffee on two customers
maladroit = أخرق ,تعوزه البراعة
philistine (fil·i·steen) n.a smug, ignorant person; someone who is uncultured and commonplace. Ex. Richards thinks he is cosmopolitan, but he’s really just a philistine
philistine= شخص غير مثقف , غير مُستنير , جاهل
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