How Do I Say Goodbye?

Many people know how to say goodbye, but they don’t know that there are many ways to say it and many languages ​​to say it as well.
Let’s learn these ways and how to say goodbye in all languages together too.

Polite ways to say “goodbye”

  • Goodbye.
  • Farewell.
  • Take care.
  • Until we meet again.
  • Best wishes.
  • Have a great day.
  • It was nice seeing you.
  • I hope to see you soon.
  • Wishing you the best.
  • Safe travels.
  • Stay well.
  • Take good care of yourself.
  • All the best.
  • Have a wonderful day.
  • I look forward to our next meeting.
  • Please keep in touch.

prepositions examples

Formal ways to say “goodbye”:

  • Goodbye.
  • Take care.
  • Until we meet again.
  • Best regards.
  • Wishing you all the best.
  • I bid you farewell.
  • Safe travels.
  • Thank you for your time.
  • It was a pleasure meeting you.
  • I look forward to our next encounter.
  • Please accept my best wishes.
  • I wish you continued success.
  • Thank you and goodbye.
  • With kind regards.
  • May we meet again soon?
  • Respectfully, goodbye.

Informal ways to say “goodbye”:

  • See ya!
  • Later!
  • Take care.
  • Catch you later.
  • Bye for now.
  • Peace out.
  • I’m out.
  • Talk to you soon.
  • See you around.
  • Gotta run.
  • Bye-bye!
  • Catch ya later!
  • See you soon.
  • Take it easy.
  • I’m off.
  • See ya later, alligator!
  • Ciao!

Did you know that there is a very beautiful and touching song called “How Do I Say Goodbye?” Sung by artist Dean Lewis.

Goodbye” in different languages:

This list covers a wide variety of languages from different parts of the world.

  • English: Goodbye
  • Spanish: Adiós
  • French: Au revoir
  • German: Auf Wiedersehen
  • Italian: Arrivederci
  • Portuguese: Adeus
  • Russian: До свидания (Do svidaniya)
  • Chinese (Mandarin): 再见 (Zàijiàn)
  • Japanese: さようなら (Sayōnara)
  • Arabic: مع السلامة (Ma’a as-salama)
  • Hindi: अलविदा (Alvida)
  • Swahili: Kwaheri
  • Turkish: Hoşçakal
  • Dutch: Tot ziens
  • Greek: Αντίο (Antío)
  • Korean: 안녕히 가세요 (Annyeonghi gaseyo)
  • Polish: Do widzenia
  • Danish: Farvel
  • Swedish: Adjö
  • Norwegian: Ha det
  • Finnish: Näkemiin
  • Hungarian: Viszlát
  • Czech: Sbohem
  • Slovak: Dovidenia
  • Bulgarian: Довиждане (Dovizhdane)
  • Romanian: La revedere
  • Thai: ลาก่อน (Lā k̀xn)
  • Vietnamese: Tạm biệt
  • Filipino: Paalam
  • Malay/Indonesian: Selamat tinggal
  • Bengali: বিদায় (Bidāẏa)
  • Urdu: الوداع (Alvida)
  • Persian: خداحافظ (Khodahafez)
  • Icelandic: Bless
  • Irish: Slán
  • Welsh: Hwyl fawr
  • Scottish Gaelic: Mar sin leibh
  • Basque: Agur
  • Catalan: Adéu
  • Croatian: Zbogom
  • Serbian: Довиђења (Doviđenja)
  • Slovenian: Nasvidenje
  • Estonian: Hüvasti
  • Latvian: Uz redzēšanos
  • Lithuanian: Sudie
  • Maltese: Addiju
  • Georgian: ნახვამდის (Nakhvamdis)
  • Albanian: Mirupafshim
  • Mongolian: Баяртай (Bayartai)

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