All Emotions List

Emotions are complex psychological states that involve a variety of feelings, thoughts, and behaviors. Here is a comprehensive list of emotions, categorized into basic and more nuanced emotions:

Basic Emotions

  • Happiness: Joy, contentment, satisfaction, amusement.
  • Sadness: Sorrow, grief, loneliness, melancholy.
  • Anger: Rage, frustration, irritation, hostility.
  • Fear: Anxiety, nervousness, dread, panic.
  • Disgust: Revulsion, contempt, disdain, loathing.
  • Surprise: Shock, amazement, astonishment, wonder.

Expanded List of Emotions

  1. Affection: Love, caring, compassion, tenderness.
  2. Annoyance: Irritation, aggravation, displeasure.
  3. Anticipation: Expectation, hope, curiosity.
  4. Awe: Wonder, admiration, reverence.
  5. Boredom: Disinterest, monotony, weariness.
emotions 1
  1. Calmness: Peacefulness, relaxation, serenity.
  2. Confusion: Bewilderment, puzzlement, uncertainty.
  3. Contentment: Satisfaction, fulfillment, comfort.
  4. Curiosity: Interest, inquisitiveness, wonder.
  5. Desire: Longing, yearning, craving.
emotions 2
  1. Desperation: Hopelessness, despair, distress.
  2. Disappointment: Regret, disillusionment, letdown.
  3. Embarrassment: Shame, humiliation, mortification.
  4. Empathy: Understanding, compassion, sympathy.
  5. Envy: Jealousy, covetousness, resentment.
emotions 3
  1. Excitement: Enthusiasm, eagerness, exhilaration.
  2. Frustration: Annoyance, dissatisfaction, exasperation.
  3. Guilt: Remorse, regret, self-reproach.
  4. Hatred: Loathing, aversion, hostility.
  5. Hope: Optimism, aspiration, expectation.
emotions 4
  1. Humility: Modesty, meekness, unpretentiousness.
  2. Hurt: Pain, anguish, suffering.
  3. Insecurity: Vulnerability, self-doubt, anxiety.
  4. Interest: Fascination, engagement, curiosity.
  5. Jealousy: Envy, suspicion, resentment.
emotions 5
  1. Loneliness: Isolation, emptiness, desolation.
  2. Love: Affection, devotion, passion.
  3. Nostalgia: Sentimentality, longing, wistfulness.
  4. Panic: Alarm, terror, fear.
  5. Pride: Satisfaction, self-respect, dignity.
emotions 6
  1. Regret: Remorse, sorrow, repentance.
  2. Relief: Comfort, reassurance, alleviation.
  3. Sadness: Unhappiness, grief, sorrow.
  4. Shame: Humiliation, embarrassment, guilt.
  5. Shock: Surprise, disbelief, astonishment.
emotions 7
  1. Surprise: Astonishment, amazement, wonder.
  2. Sympathy: Compassion, pity, understanding.
  3. Terror: Fear, horror, panic.
  4. Trust: Confidence, faith, reliance.
  5. Worry: Anxiety, concern, apprehension.
emotions 8

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